Human Design Coach & Speaker

hey, beauty!

I'm Adriana.

And i was put on this earth to transcend my trauma and help others do the same.

I’ve spent years working with my subconscious and inner child to heal from sexual abuse and be the outgoing, loving human I was designed to be at birth. Society shut me down for the majority of my life, and using tools like Human Design, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), and subconscious rewiring have literally saved my life.

I knew I wanted to live a life that is transformative, bold, and pushes the boundaries of what's possible.

But I couldn't do that until I healed from my abuse.

After creating massive transformation in myself (and continuing to expand every day), I realized...

I'm here to help you create that evolution, too.

I'm here to hold your hand as we dive into who you are at your core, allow you to feel seen and safe, and recognize you're not broken. My soul's purpose here is to help you heal from the inside out, connect with your sense of spirituality, and become magnetic to the prosperity, passion, and purpose you deserve.

I'm an intuitive human design coach & motivational speaker.

And I help women who know they're here to make an impact become more of who they really are, so prosperity, flow, and purpose find them.

I'm a personal and professional coach, speaker, intuitive guide and spiritual strategist, lover of healing, animals, dancing, and "New Girl".

I’m a 4/6 Manifesting Generator by Human Design, Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Leo Rising, half Puerto Rican, half white, wife, and mom of 3 (ages 9, 4, and 2). Horses are my spirit animal and have been a major life theme for me.

I’m annoyingly optimistic. Don’t come to me with a problem unless you’re ready for me to tell you the bright potential that’ll come from it!

I freaking LOVE my “job”. Every day I get to help other women transform from the inside out, teaching their subconscious they are safe, healing energetically, spiritually, and upleveling in the most magnetic ways.

If you want to know more about me and my story, podcast episode number 92 on The No BS Human Design Podcast is where to start.

that's what she said

Hear from my clients

"I was hesitant about life coaching. Fast forward a few months with Adriana and WOW! I’ve made such a huge transformation in my life and attitude that it’s noticeable to those around me. I've launched my own e-commerce business that is selling within a store I've always admired. Adriana made me feel very comfortable in my journey. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and I would highly recommend her programs to others."


"I was struggling to take the leap away from the comfort zone I built in my current job. What I wanted and thought I could achieve was directly competing with limiting beliefs about myself. After working with Adriana, I found more clarity in what I wanted, allowing me to define better where I wanted to focus time and energy. I transitioned four hours per day to spend with family from extra projects, took a trip where I didn't log into my work computer, and found value in my yes and learned to say no to the work that was not fulfilling to my goals!"


“WOW!!! It's been two months since I joined your powerful human design mastermind. I had no idea in the world - well, very little, how impactful this would be. Through our work, I've moved forward into places in my own heart, mind, and life that I have been avoiding. I've created boundaries! The positive impact this group has had on my personal growth and life in the past 8 weeks has been huge! I will sing your praises from the mountain top forever!”


“Learning more about my human design has unlocked a piece of myself that I have been pushing down for a long time. I’ve been able to lean into my design to begin to build a business I never dreamed possible. The process has been filled with so much joy because I have intentionally acted with what I learned in mind. Today, I just hit publish for my first book because of that guidance of my energy!”


free 30-minute chat

Feeling ready to let go of a life that's not fulfilling you? Do you feel pulled toward wanting to know more about why you're here? Or maybe you want to understand who you are designed to be? Let's chat!