Human Design Courses

How To Integrate Human Design Into Daily Life

Human Design education is amazing, but the real gold is within knowing how to integrate this information into your daily life.

In this workshop, we walk through the ways you can take your design and begin implementing what you know without overwhelm, plus how to work through the shadow or uncomfortable aspects you may run into.

Viewing time: ~50 minutes


Diving Deeper Into Type & Strategy

What is "aura"? What does following my Strategy look like in real life?

This workshop is designed to take you deeper into your Type and Strategy. In diving deeper, you're going to learn:

→ The "job" you're energy is here to do

How you're designed to interact with the world around you for more ease and flow

The red flag that tells you you're out of alignment

Nourishing rituals for your energy

How others can support you (and how you can support them!)

How to begin integrating your strategy in your daily life

Viewing time: ~55 minutes


Introduction to the Primary Health System

Each of us have a unique way in which we are designed to take nutrition into our body. In Human Design we have something called the Primary Health System (PHS), and

it provides you with the map to the correct way to take sustenance into the body.

Within your Primary Health System, you'll learn:

→How your body is built to digest nutrition and information in your environment

→Your super sense that helps guide you

→Your unique way of taking in food and experience optimally for your body

→ How to start experimenting with your PHS and digestion

Viewing time: ~55 minutes

Guide included


Finding Your Purpose: The Incarnation Cross

Feeling burned out? No clue WTF to do with your life?

Maybe you've taken all the classes and have done ALL the healing work, but are still left feeling frustrated, angry, disappointed, or bitter.

I get it - the struggle is real. But so is your purpose.

In this workshop, you will walk away with:

→ How to use your Human Design chart to find fulfillment

→ Finally having a decoded guide to your unique purpose

→ Your next steps to taking your power back and aligning to your purpose

→ A list and description of the 64 gates within the Human Design chart

Viewing time: 90 minutes

Guide included



"My chart reading helped me to move forward with a few things I felt stuck in my business and it gave me a better way to make decisions."

Now I'm able to take my time and lead from my gut and my emotions, not feeling like I have to make a logical decision because that doesn't work for me as well as the other.



"It validated a lot of where I'd like to go in my life and how to get there."

"I walked away from my chart reading knowing how to communicate better with my husband and my son, and validation to tap into my healing capabilities and how I can help others heal and be their best selves. I'm on the right track!"