Intuitive Human Design Coaching

work with me

Your ultimate potential is waiting for you:

Tap into prosperity, flow, and purpose.

"Participating in the mastermind group was a truly transformative experience for me. I had several life-changing revelations during our group calls, discovered new healing techniques and fully embraced my authentic self. I eagerly anticipated our bi-weekly group calls and was disappointed when our time together came to an end. But my transformation didn’t end with the program! I have continued to use the things I have learned from the program to keep diving further and further into my human design and how to show up fully for myself. The best time investment I have made in myself."

-Gabrielle H.

Kim r.

"Holy shit. You have REALLY channeled human design!"

"Listening to you felt more concise than some podcasts I've listened to. I love how it took you hardly any time to respond!"

3-Month Coaching Container

2-Hour Introductory Retreat (Recorded)

Weekly Private 60-Minute Coaching Sessions (Recorded)

Access to Human Design Society Membership

Unlimited Email and Voxer Support

Unlock & Uplevel

I help you become more of who you really are, so prosperity, passion, and purpose find you. We focus on releasing the trauma and conditioning that's keeping you stuck, and step into the magnetic energy of your own powerful design to unlock a new level of being you never thought possible.

This personalized, high-level 3-month coaching transformation is perfect for you if:

  • You know you're here to make an impact on the world

  • You are ready to connect to your inner guidance and feel supported by the universe

  • You're ready to increase your income and abundance with less force and more flow

Group Coaching Experience

Weekly 60-Minute Group Coaching Sessions (Recorded)

Monthly 30-Minute Individual 1:1 Sessions

Access to Human Design Society Membership

Unlimited Email and Voxer Support

Revive Your Sacral

This is NOT your typical coaching program.

In Revive Your Sacral, we do what talk therapy can't - HEAL the subconscious from trauma, abuse, and conditioning. When we're living by design, we can begin to manifest everything we want in life.

The group experience is perfect for the high achieving woman who:

  • Has checked off all the boxes in life but is feeling unfulfilled and unhappy

  • Doesn’t love her life anymore, but doesn’t know who she is

  • Desires to love herself and feel safe in taking up space for what she wants

  • Wants to increase her income and abundance with less force and more flow

Intuitive Human Design Chart Reading


1-Hour Virtual Reading

Oracle Card Reading

Recording of the Session

Intuitive Human design chart reading

What am I supposed to be doing with my life?

Why am I constantly feeling burnt out and all over the place?

Am I on the right track? ‍

Dive deeper into understanding your energetic blueprint and how you’re authentically wired to make decisions and move through the world. 

You’ll learn about:

  • Your open and defined centers, so you can recognize where external conditioning is holding you back from the successful life you’ve envisioned for yourself.

  • Tools that are customized to you to help you begin reconditioning to your authentic self and maximize awareness of your design.

  • Your gifts and strengths that will show you the right path to your purpose and goals.

  • And more!

Before your reading, I lean on intuitive guidance and pull an Oracle card for you to receive the information you really need to hear.

Intuitive Human Design Relationship Chart Reading


1-Hour Virtual Reading for 2 People

Oracle Card Reading

Recording of the Session

Human design Relationship chart reading

Interested in seeing how you connect with your partner, bestie, or coworker?

We have relationships with everyone in our lives, whether it be romantic, platonic, or a working partnership.

When you put two individual's charts together, you get what is called a Composite Chart - the aura of the relationship.

You’ll learn about:

✓ Where you're consistent energetically within the relationship.

Themes for challenges and growth.

✓ Where you are most likely to be conditioned by the other in your relationship.

✓ And more!

Before your reading, I lean on intuitive guidance and pull an Oracle card for you to receive the information you really need to hear.

Human Design Society


Monthly Human Design Workshops

Monthly Q&A/Hot Seat Coaching Calls

Guest Experts

All recordings available anytime in the course platform

Community Chat

Human Design Society

A community of spiritual seekers ready to release the outdated beliefs and conditioning and step into their authentic selves.

Still in Founding Member Status!

Lock in the lowest rate it's ever going to be!


"My chart reading helped me to move forward with a few things I felt stuck in my business and it gave me a better way to make decisions."

Now I'm able to take my time and lead from my gut and my emotions, not feeling like I have to make a logical decision because that doesn't work for me as well as the other.



"It validated a lot of where I'd like to go in my life and how to get there."

"I walked away from my chart reading knowing how to communicate better with my husband and my son, and validation to tap into my healing capabilities and how I can help others heal and be their best selves. I'm on the right track!"

"WOW!!! It's been two months since I joined Adriana's powerful human design mastermind. I had no idea in the world how impactful this would be. From the moment I did my chart - I was blown away at how precise it was. Through our one on one conversations, I've moved forward into places in my own heart, mind, and life that I have been avoiding. I've created boundaries! The positive impact that Adriana's group has had on my personal growth and life in the past 8 weeks has been huge! I will sing your praises from the mountain top forever! Adriana, your beautiful energy is so incredible as you always hold a safe, wise, loving, strong, enlightened space for everyone in your presence. You are such a huge gift to this world that desperately needs you."

-Maureen Huntley